When does my Biological Clock time out?

Written by

Arva Health Team


Decorative cork vase featuring a vibrant lemon and a charming palm tree, ideal for a summer vibe.
Decorative cork vase featuring a vibrant lemon and a charming palm tree, ideal for a summer vibe.
Decorative cork vase featuring a vibrant lemon and a charming palm tree, ideal for a summer vibe.

So, is the biological clock real?

Yes, the biological clock is a real thing. Your body has natural rhythms that regulate day-to-day functions like sleep cycles and hunger, mood, and metabolism.

Wait, not that clock.

However, when someone is referring to their biological clock, they’re usually talking about the reproductive window for having children. Especially when aunties and uncles are telling us to settle down and procreate before it’s “too late.” 

While it is a misconception that your clock has a definitive “expiry date,” it is a biological reality that waiting too long to have kids may bring up unforeseen challenges and make it difficult to have kids. As you get older, fertility does gradually decline.
Why is that? Because when we're born with a certain number of eggs. As we start to menstruate, we release those eggs over time, and our ovarian reserve (i.e.,an indication of many eggs we have), diminishes. The quality of those eggs also diminishes, which is why you’re being told not to wait too long. 

You can think of your expiry date as menopause or when all the eggs are released. That age is different for everyone. While you can’t do much about getting older or diminishing ovarian reserve, you can keep track of your unique fertility decline by testing Anti-mullerian hormone (AMH). AMH is one of the best biomarkers to predict where our clock is today. It is produced by cells in our ovarian follicles, meaning your AMH levels indicate the number of eggs available or your ovarian reserve. Tracking your AMH, which will decline over the years, can also give you a sense of when you might hit menopause. Another tip: talk to your mom about her timeline for menopause to get a sense of your timeline.

Can’t I just freeze my eggs?

We get it. You’re focused on your life and career, haven’t found the right partner, or decided kids aren’t for you, but you don’t want to have regrets if you change your mind. Naturally, new fertility technologies like “Egg freezing” come to mind as a way to pause or preserve your clock and give you time to make a decision. 

Egg freezing can make it easier to get pregnant when you’re older because it helps you preserve some of the quantity and quality of your eggs from your best fertility years. 

But no matter what you’ve heard in the media, it’s important to note that success from egg freezing isn’t guaranteed. The data is still limited (egg freezing technologies just improved in 2015), and the process depends on how your body might respond to in-vitro fertilisation (IVF). 

Age isn’t the only factor that affects fertility.

Your age is not the only thing that impacts your ability to conceive and have a successful pregnancy. Your genes and lifestyle also play a role:

  • Genetic factors: Early menopause onset and other conditions that run in your family. All the more reason to begin conversations with your family.

  • Nutrition: How you fuel your body plays a HUGE role in your hormone function and therefore your fertility. Protein, Carbs and healthy fats are all a part of how your body metabolizes, sleeps, processes and feels— the key building blocks of your reproductive function. 

  • Stress: It isn’t tangible, but high stress can throw off or shut down your body’s systems.

  • Body-fat percentage: High or low percentages can imbalance your hormones, therefore impacting ovulation. 

  • Smoking: Yup, both cigarettes, and vapes.

But if you are feeling the pressure…

We can’t hide that the pressure of “the biological clock” is still prevalent in our culture. Once you hit a certain age, depending on how progressive your family is, the questions just don’t stop. “When are you going to settle down?” “Shaadi ka kya socha hai?” The feeling is very real, and it’s why this company was born—from my own experiences of feeling this pressure and it buzzing in the back of my mind. If you’re dealing with this, know it’s essential to take a step back and reflect. 

For decades, we have been told how to structure our lives as women and people who menstruate. College, Naukri, Shaadi, kids—before it’s too late. But times are changing; we have the power of choice now. So zoom out and make decisions based on what you feel is right for you—and not others’ expectations of you. Find someone to talk to and seek information about your fertility. The more you know about your health and options, the less you leave up to chance. 

Information is power

The best thing you can do is load up on knowledge. Test your hormone levels to understand your fertility timeline and overall health with Arva’s Fertility Test. The information is yours to take and can make a difference in calming down some of the pressures of the biological clock.  

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Fertility care, reimagined for India—on your timeline.

This site is for informational purposes only and not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you're looking for medical advice, we suggest talking with a qualified physician.

55, 4th A Main, 5th Block, Koramangala, Bangalore, 560095

© 2023 Arva Health

Fertility care, reimagined for India—on your timeline.

This site is for informational purposes only and not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you're looking for medical advice, we suggest talking with a qualified physician.

55, 4th A Main, 5th Block, Koramangala, Bangalore, 560095

© 2023 Arva Health

Fertility care, reimagined for India—on your timeline.

This site is for informational purposes only and not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you're looking for medical advice, we suggest talking with a qualified physician.

55, 4th A Main, 5th Block, Koramangala, Bangalore, 560095

© 2023 Arva Health