How can I be proactive about my fertility? - Arva Health

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Arva Health Team


A girl feeling the breeze of the wind, looking up in the sky
A girl feeling the breeze of the wind, looking up in the sky
A girl feeling the breeze of the wind, looking up in the sky

For a long time, we’ve been led to believe that our fertility is out of our control. With other parts of our health we are told to be more proactive, perhaps even going for annual check-ups with your family doctor. But with kids, we always assume it will just happen when it’s the ‘right time’.

According to the Indian Society of Assisted Reproduction, infertility currently affects about 10 to 14 percent of the Indian population, with even higher rates in urban areas where 1 in every 6 six couples is impacted.

So is there a right time to start thinking about fertility? …or do we just wait until it could be too late?

Thats exactly what we delve into, with this article.

Why is our reproductive and sexual health so important?

Fertility naturally declines with age, but the rate at which it does is different and unique to the individual. Every time we get our period, we’re releasing around 1-2 eggs. As we get older, the number of eggs in our ovaries (ovarian reserve) naturally declines, and so does the quality. amount naturally declines and gives us fewer options, until they come to a stop (menopause).

Our Fertility Test defines your hormone baseline, and any imbalances to understand your rate of decline. We also screen for some health conditions that impact fertility like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, thyroid disorders, uterine fibroids, fallopian tube damage, primary ovarian insufficiency (POI), and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). All of these can impact your hormones and chance of conception.

Are urban cities more affected by infertility problems?

As per studies, there have been revealing insights on the average menopause age of Indians compared to other Western countries. Generally, it’s said that the age for menopause is 52 years, but that’s only true for Western countries. It’s much earlier for Indians at the age of 47 years.

But why? This comparison made researchers look deep into the matter, concluding that there were several factors at play, contributing to this difference:

  • Environmental toxins as a result of the increasing level of pollution.

  • The increasing use of plastics, detergents and chemical sprays (like the ones in perfumes and candles)

  • The impurity in the food we eat. From fruits to oils, these could contain harmful chemicals and be overly processed losing its nutrient richness and affecting our hormones

  • Increasing stress levels

  • Avoiding or postponing parenthood due to focus on career, and other priorities

🗝️ The key could be your hormones

Some of the changes mentioned above are known as Endocrine disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) which also play a huge role in regulating your hormones. The microplastics that we are exposed to, as well as chemicals such as Bisphenol A (which studies have found to affect fertility in men and women), is found in our food packaging, personal hygiene products, and we are exposed to it via skin, inhalation and digestive system.

Your hormones hold answers to your fertility, so if you’re thinking of having kids in the future, getting to know them now gives you an edge later. A Fertility Test is a simple blood test that can give you essential insight into your fertility health, empowering you with the information you need to have conversations with your doctor, and plan for the future you want, when you want it.

Testing your hormones can help you and your doctor get a clear picture of your ovarian reserve, track your unique fertility decline, how your thyroid is functioning, and catch potential fertility problems early, so you have all the information on your fertility journey.

Does your age matter?

Pro tip: You're never “too young” or “too old” to learn more about your body and your fertility. Being prepared is always better than having regrets.

✔️ Choose to learn and talk about fertility issues openly and try to gain more trustworthy knowledge about it.

✔️ Quantity AND quality - To avoid higher rates of complications, it’s important to learn about the quality of your eggs. Remember, with age, the quality also declines.

✔️ 35 is the threshold. Medically, the age of 35 is the point when the quality of the eggs and the fertility rates start declining rapidly. But about 1 in 20 women under the age of 35 have faced premature low ovarian reserve, so it’s vital to get checked younger.

🤳🏽 Initiate a conversation with your family about their fertility journey

Genetics plays a role in your reproductive health. Here are a few questions you can ask your family to get started:

  • When did people in your family go through menopause?

  • Did your parents have issues with getting or staying pregnant?

  • Do you have a family history of thyroid conditions? What about PCOS or Endometriosis?

  • Are there any genetic issues that you may have the chance of acquiring or passing onto your future baby?

💪🏽 Small lifestyle changes go a long way

  • Quit smoking or at least regulate the number of times you need to smoke in a day. It can end up negatively affecting your fertility.

  • Replace and reduce usage of plastic, especially food containers, with metal or glass. Try to use eco friendly or sustainable containers whenever possible.

  • Make sure you add some prenatal vitamins to your daily diet and health care - keeping a check on deficiencies in vitamin and mineral levels.

  • Keep a check on your stress levels – it plays a HUGE role in your endocrine function

  • High levels of body fat can affect your fertility levels. Losing fat and maintaining your stress levels can improve conditions.

  • Keep a calendar date check for your cycles and ovulation patterns.

Take a proactive approach about your fertility- with Arva

Your fertility journey isnt just a one way street, its affected by several factors, some genetic and some that you can control.

Being aware of our fertility can be for the better, as it helps set realistic expectations when youre trying to conceive.

At Arva we believe in setting out the right resources and guides for you to refer to and empower, while you make the right choices for your fertility journey.


  • Infertility currently affects about 10 to 14 percent of the Indian population.

  • Fertility naturally declines with age, but the rate at which it does is different and unique to the individual.

  • Fertility Tests are a simple blood test that define your hormone baseline, any imbalances to understand your rate of decline and give you essential insight into your fertility health

  • They also screen for some health conditions that impact fertility like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, thyroid disorders, etc.

  • Menopause happens much earlier for Indians at the age of 47 years.

  • Toxins in your environment called Endocrine disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) also play a huge role in regulating your hormones.

  • You're never “too young” or “too old” to learn more about your body and your fertility.

    Photo credit: Caleb MacKenzie



1. What are the solutions to fertility issues?

The first step to understand where you stand in terms of your hormonal levels as well as your medical history. Post that, there are some ways to go about resolving your fertility issues such as surgical procedures that aid conception, or assisted reproductive technologies.

2. How do you explain fertility?

Fertility is the ability to conceive a child naturally. Your fertility is affected by hormones, your genetics, your medical history as well as other environmental factors. This is often at the forefront of conversations when you plan to start a family.

3. What affects female fertility?

There are several factors that affect female fertility, such as:

  1. Obesity and smoking

  2. Uterine abnormalities

  3. Ovulation disorders

  4. Sexually transmitted infections

  5. Endometriosis/ adenomyosis

  6. Unexplained infertility

  7. Stress

  8. Chemotherapy

4. How can I ensure good fertility?

To protect your fertility, you can opt for these healthy lifestyle choices:

  1. Avoid smoking and tobacco

  2. Avoid recreational drugs and limit or avoid alcohol

  3. Try to manage stress levels

  4. Ensure that you exercise on a regular basis

  5. Avoid excessive caffeine

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Fertility care, reimagined for India—on your timeline.

This site is for informational purposes only and not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you're looking for medical advice, we suggest talking with a qualified physician.

55, 4th A Main, 5th Block, Koramangala, Bangalore, 560095

© 2024 Arva Health

Fertility care, reimagined for India—on your timeline.

This site is for informational purposes only and not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you're looking for medical advice, we suggest talking with a qualified physician.

55, 4th A Main, 5th Block, Koramangala, Bangalore, 560095

© 2024 Arva Health

Fertility care, reimagined for India—on your timeline.

This site is for informational purposes only and not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you're looking for medical advice, we suggest talking with a qualified physician.

55, 4th A Main, 5th Block, Koramangala, Bangalore, 560095

© 2024 Arva Health

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